Our Organization

Cascadia United (CASUN) is a grassroots movement advocating for the sovereignty of the Cascadian region. Rooted in the principle of self-determination, we advocate for principles, for instance: family, faith, and freedom. With a loyal belief in the right to bear arms, we attend to the importance of individual responsibility and personal protection.

Devoting ourselves to small business owners, promoting ideas of economic independence, and local monetary freedom; we advocate for restricted government intervention, and streamlined bureaucracy that respects individual liberties and limits unnecessary regulations. Central to our vision is the concept of local autonomy, advocating for communities to have greater control over their own affairs.

We hold the torch of preserving Cascadian culture and traditions. We value our unique identity while highlighting the importance of faith and traditional values. Cascadia United is inclusive of all faiths and backgrounds, prioritizing religious freedom and tolerance. We push the importance of community unity and mutual support, encouraging a strong sense of solidarity among Cascadian residents.

Overall, Cascadia United is a pro-family, pro-gun, pro-small business, pro-freedom, small government, local autonomy, and pro-faith ethos. We advocate creating a vibrant, and self-reliant Cascadian society.

Current Aspirations

Garnering local support in Cascadia United member regions will, in turn grow our numbers in members and supporters, who will go back and then do as their piers instead of doing the other thing. Creating a larger and more vibrant ecosystem within Cascadia United.

From our perspective, the easiest and most inexpensive way to create support, advocacy, and spread the word out is to host food drives.

By providing nutrition to the homeless and those needful, we not only help others, but also showcase ourselves as a kindly group to the local Cascadian communities. It only costs as much as our time, and bagging our unused canned food.

We are widely dispersed. however, we have members who can make phone calls, and can digitally create flyers. These are the stone foundations to creating the effigy machine that is Cascadia United. 

As it stands, the Cascadia Subduction Zone is showing signs of an impending megaquake that could be 100 times or more devastating than the Great 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. Consequences of this event could include secondary quakes, flooding, volcanic eruptions, damn breaches, forest fires, infrastructure collapse, a significant loss of life and displacement of civilians.

Events like these are imminent soon, especially considering geological time-scales. Cascadia United is bound by belief that we need to do the right thing and help thy neighbor. Starting preparations to set out for an official disaster relief effort.

“I am giving you a  commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another." -John 13:34

Advocacy enables Cascadia United to have a voice, not limited by unfair impression but realized at our point. We are ambassadors of all like-minded individuals. The constitutional obedients, religious, small business owners, gun owners, conservatives and families.

We must advocate our existence and longevity for our continuation in providing the sustainable voice of the abundant like us, who are often overlooked in this movement. 

Increased presence of members in the community could attract both formal and informal members to our movement, constructing a tightknit community with outside and diverse perspectives to take on. Also increasing the voter diversity in democratic situations.

Presence in the community would enhance our influence in local affairs, enabling us to address and resolve issues immediately and effectively. The grand key for achieving sustainability is not obtaining federal approval. But rather it is accountability and taking action deliberately and right away. We cannot wait for permission to use the pail of water to put out the fire.

As the Noble Research Institute states, major problems Regenerative Agriculture tries to defeat are: "Widespread soil erosion and decreasing land productivity in the face of climate variability. Declining population of agriculture producers. Unprecedented levels of farm debt and bankruptcies. Growing global population that is increasing the demand for food."

Cascadia's agriculture is scarce, and in any case should be attempted to be protected and expanded as way of life. Regenerative agriculture doesn't only aid farms but also can for nature herself. Using regenerative agriculture techniques for green expansion and forest regeneration is a viable option for expanding the bioregion and its ecosystems.

Official CASUN towns, or also known as CASUN colonies would be planned towns using regenerative agriculture to transform the more inhospitable areas of Cascadia, such as eastern Oregon and Washington into habitable places. These towns would have farms and other industries to support themselves and have a greater impact on the surrounding communities. The idea is to create a community filled with pro-Cascadians where everyone has to work to make, with by-law restrictions and mandates what would be required within the community to sustain the community.

The goal would be to purchase inexpensive land in remote areas and establish a self-sustaining community that produces its own food, raises its own animals, weaves its own textiles, and manufactures whatever it can to meet its needs. Any excess would be sold to generate revenue to further develop and strengthen the community.

Beginning official CASUN towns and or colonies would be a rigorous task, but if not now, when?