Frequently asked questions

What is Cascadia?

The Cascadia movement is a cultural independence movement based in the Cascadia bioregion of western North America. Potential boundaries differ, with some drawn along existing political state and provincial lines, and others drawn along larger ecological, cultural, political, and economic boundaries.
-Revision of Cascadia movement on Wikipedia

What is Cascadia United?

Cascadia United (CASUN) is a grassroots movement advocating for the sovereignty of the Cascadian region. Rooted in the principle of self-determination, we advocate for principles, for instance: family, faith, and freedom. With a loyal belief in the right to bear arms, we attend to the importance of individual responsibility and personal protection.

Why does Cascadia United want independence?

By the proposition of self-determination, the recognition of our distinct and unique identity, and sense of disconnect and disdain stemming from neglect by the federal governments of both the Dominion of Canada and the United States of America, we Cascadians believe in the necessity of establishing our own independent Cascadian state. This state would have the proper ability (that of which she was denied), to shape herself accordingly to fit her own needs and desires, rather than the arbitrary, tyrannical governments she lies in now.

Does Cascadia United advocate violence?

No, Cascadia United unilaterally denounces any and all violence in the name of Cascadia, and is dedicated to the peaceful resolution of the Cascadian struggle for sovereignty.

What does Fort Astoria represent to us?

Astoria represents the Plymouth of Cascadia, the seed that sprouted the settlements and culture which represent the Cascadian region and people.