Our Platform

Cascadia United has a clear platform to outline what we are advocating for beyond an independent Cascadia.

Cascadian Federalism

Championing a Federal Republic

Cascadia United champions a federal republic divided into regions, each represented in a bicameral legislative system. This system consists of an upper and lower house, elected through a ranked-choice voting system, with economic legislation regulated by a separate house of employers' associations and employees' unions representing all facets of the economy.

Promote Small and Medium-Sized Firms

Cascadia United supports and advocates for the creation and maintenance of small and medium-sized local firms to stimulate local economic and job growth. We believe that the government has no business in maintaining ownership over our technology companies, non-essential industrial chemicals, or pharmaceuticals. Collateral-free loans and equity infusions must be available to ensure our entrepreneurs have available working capital and growth funds.

Pro-Family Policies 

Cascadia United champions policies ensuring any couple that chooses to have a family can do so. We promote a 25% income tax reduction per child, with a maximum of 100% off income taxes. We also champion three months of paid paternity and maternity leave, and an additional two years of unpaid leave.

Role of Religion 

While Cascadia United recognizes the necessity for the state to be neutral to all religions, we champion our proposals based on the general Christian majority ideals of the region.

Right to Bear Arms 

Cascadia United believes that the right to bear arms is absolute and should not be limited. Any attempt to disarm the population or restrict this right should be thwarted.

Fair Labor Standards 

We believe in expanding bargaining power between employers and employees to agree upon fair labor standards. Minimum wage must be regulated locally, and employers must have official representation to defend against unfair union practices. Labor laws must be implemented through these systems unless contested by regional representative bodies.

Environmental Awareness 

Cascadia United recognizes environmental awareness as a key facet of Cascadian identity. We promote the construction of nuclear power facilities, backed by renewable energy sources. We also champion tax breaks and incentives for individuals to invest in renewable energy for their enterprises and properties.

Revitalize Infrastructure 

Recognizing the collapse of local infrastructure and federal inaction, Cascadia United champions the complete revitalization of Cascadian infrastructure. This includes a high-speed rail network, expanded public transit options, and the creation of bus and semi-truck-only lanes on highways to facilitate mass transport.

Anti-Trust Policy 

To prevent monopolization, Cascadia United champions dividing mega-corporations that exceed 1,500 employees or a certain surplus amount of capital. This ensures a healthy, competitive local market and fair bargaining opportunities.

Combat Corruption

 To avoid lobbying and corruption, we propose wealth and income caps for elected officials tied to the region's general wealth. We promote a complete ban on organizational campaign donations and a cap on individual contributions. Campaign financial statements must be public, and violations will result in steep fines.

Mandatory National Service

Cascadia United proposes mandatory national service upon the completion of secondary education. This can be two years of civic service in roles such as EMS, fire, police, or other government services, or a minimum of 12 months of active duty in the Cascadian military. Completing this service would grant benefits such as free community college.

Grassroots Organizations 

Recognizing the limitations of central government planning, it is vital to champion grassroots organizations that aim to support their local communities in necessary ways.

CASUN Towns 

Official CASUN towns, or CASUN colonies, would be planned communities using regenerative agriculture to transform inhospitable areas of Cascadia into habitable places. These towns would be self-sustaining, producing their own food, raising animals, weaving textiles, and manufacturing goods. Any excess would be sold to generate revenue to further develop and strengthen the community.

Federal Cities 

A Federal City would be a city with a major population in its region that would be separate from its surrounding subdivision, assuming major voter differences. A Federal City's main purpose is to offset disparity, creating fairness for urban and rural voters by having policies and laws adequate and reasonable for their social, economic, and physical environments. Usually, a Federal City would be the largest city in a region. For example, the largest city in the Puget Sound is Seattle; Seattle and its direct neighboring urban areas, such as SeaTac, would be absorbed into it. The same would apply to cities like Boise, Portland, and others fitting the definition.

Regenerative Agriculture

Recognizing the need to be stewards of our land and ensure the quality of our soil for future Cascadia United champions regenerative agricultural techniques. We propose tax breaks for individuals and companies who adopt these techniques for their farms and properties.


Healthcare is a commodity that cannot be adequately regulated by the free market, the concepts of supply and demand do not translate when the alternative is death. In light of this we propose a solution that avoids the problems commonly found in socialized healthcare but protects the public against predatory pricing. Therefore we propose a system in which medically necessary procedures are covered by the state including a routine checkup every 6 months.

Affordable Internet

With low-cost internet now unavailable to millions of low-income citizens with the closure of the "Affordable Connectivity Program" in 2023, an affordable internet availability program must be implemented for all Cascadians suffering in poverty.

Clean Water

In Eastern Oregon, many homes utilize wells which lack water filtration systems, opening up countless Cascadian families to ever-increasing levels of environmental toxins which have been on the rise due to artificial fertilizers polluting water. To combat this, there must be public intervention to ensure a 50% rise in the number of filtered home water systems to increase access to safe drinking water.

Better Soil

The usage of artificial fertilizers in agriculture must be reduced, and natural fertilizers should be used in their place to create a more environmentally friendly Cascadia.